Devlog: Introducing Dynamic Weather and a Day/Night Cycle

Hello Everyone,

We are very excited to share with you some major updates that we have been working on lately. Our latest additions bring in full realism and immersion by introducing a fully dynamic weather system and a day-night cycle into the game. We explain what is new in detail:

Dynamic Weather System


Our new dynamic weather system contributes to a deeper game environment so that no two playthroughs ever feel alike. Weather conditions will change in real time and affect the atmosphere and gameplay.


- Real-Time Weather Changes: Experience weather that evolves from clear skies to thunderstorms and everything in between.

- Visual and Audio Effects: Increased advanced visual effects such as rain, snowing, fog, etc., will be developed, and on the other side, definite audio cues associated with it should make the surroundings vivid and full of life.

- Impact on Gameplay: Weather aspects will be influenced by in-game factors of visibility, movement, and even some creatures' or characters' behavior.

Day-Night Cycle


Functioning off of a new day/night cycle system, the flow of time is now integrated directly into the game to be alive and breathing, responding to its progression.


- 24-Hour Cycle: Game worlds are now fully immersed in a complete 24-hour cycle of day and night, allowing seamless transitions between the different times of the day. Naturally, the cycle is NOT 24 hours in real time, rather shortened to 60 minutes for a full cycle.

- Lighting Adjustments: Dynamic lighting changes to display time passage, from warm-colored glow at the time of sunrise to the cool-colored tones with moonlight.

- Behavioral Changes: Certain characters and creatures will have different behaviors depending on the time of day, which will add strategic depth into your interactions and activities.

Integration and Customization


These systems have become part of the very fabric of the game to enable a high degree of customization across different environments and scenarios.


- Environmental Hazards: Modify weather patterns and day-night cycles for different regions and story events.

- Player Feedback: We will be keen to review Player Feedback in our Beta phase in order to further fine-tune these systems so that they better enhance your experience.

Moving Forward

These new systems will be at the forefront of our evaluations as we begin preparing our beta test. We're really excited to see what they can do for your gameplay experience, and we look forward to your feedback.

Stay tuned for more updates soon, and thank you for embarking with us on this journey!

Warm regards,

The NextHorizonGames Team

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